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Diabetic Patients Rest Assured To Eat

2022-06-24 Page view : 123 views



One of the principles of the diabetic diet is: you can eat anything, but you need to limit the amount.


The following two types of foods can be safely eaten by diabetic patients without worrying about excessive amounts. Eating too much will not only cause the blood sugar to rise, but also be beneficial for controlling postprandial blood sugar. Konjac Food Shirataki Instant Keto Friendly Konjac Noodles.



  1. Konjac Food

Konjac has the characteristics of low energy, low vitamin, low mineral and high dietary fiber (more than 60%), which is an ideal food for diabetic patients.


Konjac contains soluble dietary fiber – glucomannan, which is an excellent soluble dietary fiber with strong water absorption. post-glycemia effect.


Recommended varieties: white konjac flour (high glucomannan content), konjac tofu, konjac noodles, konjac knots, etc.


Recommended way to eat:

① 10 grams of konjac powder are washed with water every day, once in the morning and one in the evening;

② Konjac tofu or konjac noodles are eaten after blanching.

③ Konjac knot shabu-shabu to eat.


Eating konjac regularly not only helps to control blood sugar, but also helps to regulate blood lipids and lose weight!


  1. Leafy green vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are those that are dark green in color and have a large proportion of leaves.


Green leafy vegetables are rich in calcium, magnesium, chlorophyll, lutein, carotene, flavonoids, vitamin B family, etc., and are the main source of vitamins and minerals needed by the human body. Green leafy vegetables are also rich in dietary fiber, which can delay the rise in blood sugar after meals.


Recommended species: spinach, rapeseed, lettuce, cabbage, cabbage, celery, etc.


How to eat: Eat half a bowl or a bowl of low-fat green leafy vegetables before meals to reduce postprandial blood sugar better.


If your blood sugar often exceeds 10.0mmol/L 2 hours after a meal, try the above method!